Thursday 19 January 2012

So yesterday I had a massive fail.

I bought some wax, to do my armpits, as I've started up swimming again, and thought this would be an easier option than shaving allll the time.

SO I tried it. Not actually that painful but by god the state of skin! It looks like someone set fire to it and NOW it hurts like MAD.

I'm therefore not going swimming today - which SUCKS.

THANK GOD for hair removal cream!

In other news, Tim's mum is all out from her operation and fine :) Wahoooooo (Y) ANNNND I've started a study wall... it's clearly going to be amazing, and I will post pictures when it starts to look good :D hahaha

Going back to the land of Essex tomorrow :) Gonna chill out with the Dad on Friday night, help Mum decorate the kitchen on Saturday and see Timothy on Sunday :)

 Then it's back to uni for another 2 weeks ! First 2 weeks = Not tooo bad!

Last night I added this facebook group and it's like a online medium thing, and I was watching a lady have a reading and it was SUPER accurate and the lady was getting all sad, and I've uploaded a picture of my grandad to see if I get anything, and additionally some photo's from my brothers 21st birthday, cos there was loads of orbs in.... which we obviously assumed was light... BUT it would be nice to see if someone says something else :)

Love & stuff xx

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