Wednesday 25 January 2012

OH university. It's being very nice to me this week ... apart from the fact I completely messed up my biochemistry practical, but OHHH well , it was going to happen at one point!

I had such a good dinner on Monday :) Chinese New Year, and we went into China town and had an amazing Chinese buffet ( Me and all the flatmates, except Naomi :( !! ) IT WAS SO YUM.

Then yesterday, I taught my mentee at her college for an hour, and had the whole day off as I don't have and lectures or practicals on a Tuesday, so I studied for the rest of the day, and todayyyyy my tutorial was cancelled so I get another day off ! (Y) loves that! So time for lots of extra reading, revision and general relaxing :) Getting up at 10am = #amazeballs.

Hope everyone is having a nice week so far :) LOVE YOU ALL xD

Lurrvee China Town :)

Free Dragon masks :D Me and Kelsey.

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