Monday 20 February 2012

It's reading week !

Weekend went by wayyyyy to fast. Did Friday night 6-9.30 at the hut, and saturday 5.30-close !

This is not me. Googled it. This is how lame we look :/ Luuuvvvlyyyy uniform. 

 Then went to Tims and helped decorate on Sunday !! I'm not a very good decorator!! And I got covered in paint!

So now it's reading week and I decided to have a lay in!! Didn't get up until 10.30 which was a luxury!! Then I chilled out and watched some CSI and made some popcorn :)

Then I started my reading... did that for a while, made dinner, and now to continue with the reading... which will go on for the next week.

EURGH, Exams in MAY!!!!!! Where has this year gone ?!?!?

This week is hopefully going to be VERY productive :)

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