Tuesday 3 April 2012

Day 18. No facebook... I'm baaack :)

Field Trip was awesome.

It was hard work, but we had fun. Lots of laughs in fields and going to the local village pub after we had finished for the day at like 10pm.

A little drama mixed in... too much for my liking... probably annoyed some people with my fast talking non indoor voice but whattteevverrrr, it was fun!

NO MORE WORK. Sweeeet.

Now 27 days until exams begin, and 43 days until they are all over !

Now it is time to really knuckle down.... even more than I have been.

I need a little nap though. Working from 9-9 everyday for 4 days took it out of me. And waking up at 7 to be ready for breakfast was pretty intense. BUT thats all the coursework done for the module and so I think it was well worth it! Now I have to wait for the £120 invoice they send us :/

Hope everyone elses weekend was awesome!

Loveee :) xxx

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