Sunday 22 April 2012

5 weeks and 2 days with no facebook


Tara just came over to give me a birthday present and card! Which was super sweet of her!!

Hilarious pressie. I love it. Tim's gonna love playing with this! He's already said we're using it when he comes to visit after exams... this sounds rude.... I'll just post a piccy...

Sudden Death
Decibels:  68dB
Fart Radius: 2.7m
Density: 12021ppM
Pressure: 37 lbs psi
Velocity: 7.0m p/s
Calroies Burned: 205kcal

Description: Slow but ultimately violent. "Nah, it's not that bad.", you'll say to yourself, as you feel the tiniest of farts creeping out, I can get away with it. "Oh my God, too late!!", you'll exclaim, as a very loud butt chuff sings out from your pants. Everyone seeking out the epicenter of the interruption will look at you and point.

HAHAHAHA :) I love it. THANK  YOU Tara :)

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