Thursday 12 April 2012

3 weeks and 6 days with no facebook....

Which is getting harded, especially when my mum can log into my facebook, and happily message me that I have 5 friend requests, 7 inbox messages and 20+ notifications... thanks mum :)


Ah well.

So much studying!!!!!!! Tara came over yesterday and studied with me, then I went back to her for a cup of earl gray :)

 This is me and Tara in a fieeeld.


Okay thats sad.
But we have missed it ! OMG :) ahhhhh.

Just saying... Blaine's brother is hhaaaawwwwtttt ;P

EHRM. So today I studied. I ate lunch. I made cookies and back to revision. Oh Biochem. How I dislike you. You make me sleepy.

4 weeks and 6 days and then exams are OOVVVEEEEERRRRR :) Schwwwwweeeeet. 18 days till my first exam though ! ARGH.

Additionally, it is my day of birth in 6 days... but I'm slightly pre occupied with zee 8 finals coming my way, faster than time has ever appeared to move in life.  Wahhh.

Cannnoott wait for summer :) Just worked out all my student finance, and how much spending money I need to save for for Germany , Cornwall and Corfu... and for some driving lessons and to put some away so that I can go to Borneo ! Loooveeelllyyyy :)

Loveeeloveeeelovvveeee <3

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