Monday 5 March 2012

It's been a while!

But you haven't missed anything exciting !!

More lectures, more studying.

Went home this weekend and had a lovely weekend shopping and chilling out xD

Today was pretty much a disaster - enough said. THANK GOD I made it into that practical session or things would have been even worse!!

Ehrm.. Got my exam timetable! 8 exams in 17 days :) with one week where I have no exams. Something like exams on 30th April, 1st May, 2nd May, 3rd May , 10th May, 11th May, 15th May and FINALLY the 16th of May.

Considering the exam period is until June 8th, I did pretty gooooood :)


I'm going to make a bucket list of all the things I wanna do in London, in the 22 days I live here and have NO uni work to do :)

I've wanted to do the them the whole time, just always had too much work !! x

SO many things to look forward to this summer (Y) Germany, Cornwall, Jason's Wedding, Maybe a holiday with Miss Hayley Kenny !! Looovely. Just over 4 months off xD

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