Wednesday 21 March 2012

Day 5 .. no facebook.

Feel like I've gone crazy.


Need to check inbow messages.

Need to check wall posts.

Neeeeeed to check facebook.

They sent me an email today saying that I haven't logged in a while and I might be missing notifications because I have 20+ .. that I now know about and can't read! DAMN you facebook email.

Problem is it's so SUPER weird that I want to go on it so much :/ cos if I was.. what would I do on it ? Scroll through some peoples pictures, scroll through the newsfeed, like a few things. NOT productive. I've been so productive aswell today :)


It was sunny.

It was actually warm.

I got to wear a summer dress.

I went outside to read from like 1pm-3pm  :) Schwwweeeeeet. Trying to start my tan early.

I've done like 6 hours 20 minutes of studying in 8 hours (Y) Made like 16 pages of notes and and read like 5 chapters of my cell dynamics text book. This sucks becauseonly about 1% of my book looks like this...

The rest of it looks more like this...

Going to get some hula hooping revision done AND it's still early AND instead of waste my time on facebook, I'll probably get a cheeky bit of reading in, which I always passed off as not having enough time for !

Goodnight :)

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