Sunday 25 March 2012

Day 9. No facebook :)

REALLLLY Excited :)

Booked a holiday to Crete today with one of my lovely girls Hayley !! 5* hotel, all inclusive flight hotel tranfer included for £399 each :D YES

I'm excited :D 31st August-7th September.

Made me figure out the exam timetable etc though.

IF ( fingers crossed I don't have to) but IF I have to do a resit then they will be on the 13th-24th August, so it will be before then and uni doesn't start til the 20 something of September xD YAY


I have 3 Holidays xD 1 week in Germany, 1 week in Cornwall and 1 week in Crete xD HAPPY ALAINA :)

I now only miss facebook for one reason, as it is emailing me to tell me I am missing notifications, someone tagged me in a photo and I have 3 inbox messages that I realllllyy wanna read :( Damnit.

Some pics of the places I will be going to.....

Reutlingen in Germany
Hotel in Corfu :D
Porth in Cornwall :)

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