Friday, 30 March 2012

2 successful weeks without facebook...

However, my positing frequency on here does seem to have increased... hmmm....

SO. I'm going to have a busy day. Lectures 10-1. Need to go to sainsburys to pick up some bits for the field trip I'm going on today and 3!

THEN I'll be doing constant work from like 9am-8pm probably so I won't have any time to come on here !!

Probably come post again on Tuesday when I get back :)

Have a great weekend


Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Day 12 No facebook

Spent 3 and half hours in the hive today, doing some statistics coursework that I got today thats due Friday... how is that fair :/

Eurgh haven't got a clue if I've done it right !!!

Time will tell !

Now time to cook some food and get my brain functioning again! x

P.S I become a bone marrow donor today :) 

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

I'm impressed :)

And now I'm going to spend the evening studying xD

Thought this was amazing !


I have no idea what just happened..

BUT instead of my usual ... couple... of views everyday when I log in...

I've had 62 in the past 10 minutes?

Whats gone on there... NOT complaining... rather happy about it LOL :)


Maybe not using facebook IS a good thing!!

Weird picture :) hope you like it ! Me and my awesome flatmate Joe !!

Day 11. No facebook. AND ITS SUNNY

Its like 20 degrees today !


Taught my mentee and did some revision in the sun for 2 and a half hours. Forgot my sun cream and now I've got my first sunburn. Glad thats out of the way... I should now just tan :D


Guess I won't be wearing a strappy top for a few days. AWFUL strap marks. When will I EVER LEARN?



Sunday, 25 March 2012

Day 9. No facebook :)

REALLLLY Excited :)

Booked a holiday to Crete today with one of my lovely girls Hayley !! 5* hotel, all inclusive flight hotel tranfer included for £399 each :D YES

I'm excited :D 31st August-7th September.

Made me figure out the exam timetable etc though.

IF ( fingers crossed I don't have to) but IF I have to do a resit then they will be on the 13th-24th August, so it will be before then and uni doesn't start til the 20 something of September xD YAY


I have 3 Holidays xD 1 week in Germany, 1 week in Cornwall and 1 week in Crete xD HAPPY ALAINA :)

I now only miss facebook for one reason, as it is emailing me to tell me I am missing notifications, someone tagged me in a photo and I have 3 inbox messages that I realllllyy wanna read :( Damnit.

Some pics of the places I will be going to.....

Reutlingen in Germany
Hotel in Corfu :D
Porth in Cornwall :)

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Day 6 no facebook, yesterday WAS day 5...


That is all


Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Day 3. No facebook

Definitely going to be writing on here more often now I don't have facebook...

Don't realise how much you vent on a status, or get across what you want to say !

I actually did reading between my 2 practical sessions today... that has never happened before....
so at least I know that not having facebook is worth something.

Not only am I less distracted I'm finding more time to do the things that I actually like to do. Like to research stuff and read more books ( enjoyable ones not textbook ones ;) )

LAST BIOCHEMISTRY PRACTICAL AT 3.15 :) that makes me so happy :) My soul hates biochemistry.

Day 5 .. no facebook.

Feel like I've gone crazy.


Need to check inbow messages.

Need to check wall posts.

Neeeeeed to check facebook.

They sent me an email today saying that I haven't logged in a while and I might be missing notifications because I have 20+ .. that I now know about and can't read! DAMN you facebook email.

Problem is it's so SUPER weird that I want to go on it so much :/ cos if I was.. what would I do on it ? Scroll through some peoples pictures, scroll through the newsfeed, like a few things. NOT productive. I've been so productive aswell today :)


It was sunny.

It was actually warm.

I got to wear a summer dress.

I went outside to read from like 1pm-3pm  :) Schwwweeeeeet. Trying to start my tan early.

I've done like 6 hours 20 minutes of studying in 8 hours (Y) Made like 16 pages of notes and and read like 5 chapters of my cell dynamics text book. This sucks becauseonly about 1% of my book looks like this...

The rest of it looks more like this...

Going to get some hula hooping revision done AND it's still early AND instead of waste my time on facebook, I'll probably get a cheeky bit of reading in, which I always passed off as not having enough time for !

Goodnight :)

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Day 2. No facebook.

SO. I've given up facebook...

it's my little social experiment/SUPER HARD giving up distractions for my exams that start on the 30th of April !!!

I'll have it back on May 16th !!

Its only my second day, and I've wanted to post of facebook like... 7 times I can think of ? !!



I wanna upload a status about what I was doing and message my friend about a dream I had.

Finding other things to do with my time which is much more productive !

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Monday, 5 March 2012

It's been a while!

But you haven't missed anything exciting !!

More lectures, more studying.

Went home this weekend and had a lovely weekend shopping and chilling out xD

Today was pretty much a disaster - enough said. THANK GOD I made it into that practical session or things would have been even worse!!

Ehrm.. Got my exam timetable! 8 exams in 17 days :) with one week where I have no exams. Something like exams on 30th April, 1st May, 2nd May, 3rd May , 10th May, 11th May, 15th May and FINALLY the 16th of May.

Considering the exam period is until June 8th, I did pretty gooooood :)


I'm going to make a bucket list of all the things I wanna do in London, in the 22 days I live here and have NO uni work to do :)

I've wanted to do the them the whole time, just always had too much work !! x

SO many things to look forward to this summer (Y) Germany, Cornwall, Jason's Wedding, Maybe a holiday with Miss Hayley Kenny !! Looovely. Just over 4 months off xD